messages of support

Many community members, elected officials, union allies, and community organizations sent messages of support when they heard about our struggle for safe staffing and fair pay,

On November 26, 2024, Maui County Council unanimously passed a resolution introduced by Councilmember Tamara Paltin that urges Maui Health/Kaiser Permanente to negotiate a contract in good faith that addresses safe staffing. Councilmembers Tom Cook and Yuki Lei Sugimura also previously met with healthcare workers and shared their support. In the video below, Councilmember Gabe Johnson also discussed safe staffing before the contract expired.

Maui county council passes resolution

Download the sign (11”x17”) to print and place on your window to show your support for Maui’s healthcare workers!

Supporters on the picket line

Many community members and union allies showed their support at the picket line during the November strike, including the United Public Workers, Hawaii Nurses and Healthcare Professionals (HNHP), Hawai’i Nurses’ Association, OPEIU Local 50, UNITE HERE Local 5, IBEW1186, Hawaii Fire Fighters Association Local 1463, NUHW, ILWU Local 142, Carpenters Union Local 745, Hawaii State Teachers Association, Hawaii Medic Healers Hui, comedian Kathy Collins, Uncle Kimokeo Kapahulehua, Councilmember Gabe Johnson, Councilmember Yuki Lei Sugimura, Councilmember Tom Cook, Councilmember Tamara Paltin, and Representative Jill Tokuda.

Letters of support also came from notable community organizations like the Maui Tenants Association, Maui Medic Healers Hui, and the Hawai’i Workers Center.

Several social media influencers shared our stories online with their followers, including Nurse Erica (@the.nurse.erica), Steven Ho (@SteveIOE), and Nurse Johnn (@nurse.johnn).

Mahalo to all our supporters!